University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Department of Gender and Women’s Studies is seeking applications for teaching assistants to
staff discussion sections for the following courses:
FALL 2021
GWS 100: Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
GWS 275: The Politics of Fashion
GWS 100: Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
GWS 202: Sexualities
These are 50% appointments, which include a tuition and fee waiver and a salary that meets or exceeds the university guidelines.
Teaching assistants hired for this position will:
• attend two lectures per week (conducted by the professor);
• be available to meet with the professor as needed;
• prepare and teach two discussion sections per week;
• hold office hours for students in their assigned discussion sections; and
• grade all papers and assignments in their assigned discussion sections.
Applicants must be UIUC graduate students enrolled in a graduate program that has not been designated as cost-recovery or self-supporting. Teaching assistants must be on campus and available to work on the first day of their appointment.
Applicants should have previous teaching experience and a strong academic background in gender studies and sexuality studies, including queer and/or trans studies.
To apply for one or more of these positions, please submit the following material online at https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/2088055289:
• Cover letter (no more than two pages), stating your interest and qualifications
• Current CV
• Names of two professional references
• A letter of reference addressing teaching experience (to be emailed by letter writer to tmatos@illinois.edu).*
DEADLINE: March 8, 2021
Questions? Contact Tasha Robles, Academic Program Coordinator, GWS at tmatos@illinois.edu.
*Note: If a recommender should have any questions, please have them reach out to the email above.